Below is the Assessed Value and Yearly Tax Comparison Database for most residential properties located in Jersey City. To search for a specific property enter the property number, street name, and unit if applicable. This will display only that property.

When searching for multiple properties located on your street, only type in the street name. All properties located on that street name will be displayed.

Tips for Searching:
  • When searching for street name many times you will need to use various descriptions (ie: John F Kennedy Blvd should be searched by Kennedy Blvd, Marin Blvd is search by Luis M Marin Blvd, Third St should be searched by 3rd St, etc.).
  • If there are two streets in Jersey City with the same name (ie: Beacon Pl and Beacon Way). Type Pl or Way after the street name to view only those on the street you are searching.
  • Once you are on a specific block you can sort the property number by clicking on the up/down arrow next to Property #
  • 500 properties will display unless the User at the bottom of the page changes to 1000.

Property number:
Street name:
Unit number: